We introduced about an excellent online learning for learning SwiftUI to develop iOS App, 100 Days of SwiftUI in the last post. We had an interesting learning day 19 challenge, which make you actually create a simple iOS App.
It might appear to us to feel difficult to create iOS app yet, but if you finish learnings from Day 1 to Day 18, you can do it according to Hacking with Swift. With encouraging words from them, so we did.
We are to choose 1 conversion from listed one. Here is the actual homework: Day 19 Topic We chose “Time conversion: users choose seconds, minutes, hours, or days. “
Basically there are three components to create a computation App.
- A segmented control for seconds, minutes, hours or days, for the input unit.
- A second segmented control for the output unit
- Text field to enter number and computed result of conversion
Actually, it took a few days to complete this task of day 19. We will not show actual code here, but instead, we will show how the app looks like.
After try and error several times, simple-paged app was born as above. If you enter number on the top of blank text field, you will see the converted result in the last row according to the selection of time selection: seconds, minutes, hours or days. In the screen, it is said that 7 days gives 10,080 minutes to your life.